Clarkson's Farm

Jeremy Clarkson Slams Officials With Letter To Prime Minister: “Had Enough Of Know-Nothing Officials”

A number of leading farmers from across England, including Jeremy Clarkson, have signed a letter to the Prime Minister, asking for a lot of the restrictions surrounding farming and agriculture to be removed.

The letter complains about the UK government micromanaging “every acre”, reading: “For years the bureaucratic bulldozer has been trampling over the countryside infuriating millions of us. It has cost jobs and created misery.”

This letter has garnered the support of 4,725, including the likes of the Clarkson’s Farm presenter Jeremy Clarkson and Gareth Wyn Jones of The Gamily Farm.

The letter continues:

“Those signing this letter would be satisfied if the rules affecting the countryside are halved before the next election.’’

You can also tell that Jeremy was involved in writing this, with it taking a stronger tone when discussing civil servants:

“We have had enough of know-nothing officials imposing rules out of a misplaced belief in their own competence,” it reads.

“They breed paperwork for a living while the rest of us have real work to do: cultivating soil, looking after sick animals and bringing in the harvest.”

It warns:

“There are more of us and we are more determined.

‘Tell us your targets’

The full letter has been released to the public:

Reverse Gear for Regulators
Dear Current Prime Minister,

For years the bureaucratic bulldozer has been trampling over the countryside infuriating millions of us. It has cost jobs and created misery. Downing Street has to put it into reverse gear if it wants the support of rural voters. Those signing this letter would be satisfied if the rules affecting the countryside are halved before the next election.

We are happy with Government giving us big targets – ones that ensure that the streams in our valleys are crystal clear and our uplands carpeted with heather. If you want more food in the shops, we will do it. More hedges – consider it done. More buzzards? Great – we will lean on anyone in our community who takes them out.

But we are sick of the mountains of regulations which seek to micromanage every acre. We have had enough of know-nothing officials imposing rules out of a misplaced belief in their own competence.

They breed paperwork for a living while the rest of us have real work to do: cultivating soil, looking after sick animals and bringing in the harvest.

You realise that the political landscape is shifting. Rural votes will be vital in the next election – and so Downing Street has to deliver. The era of central planning of the countryside by homo arrogantissimus in Whitehall is over. We will no longer passively watch officials seeking to appease the insatiable demands of a few self-righteous campaigners. There are more of us and we are more determined.

This letter is being copied to our constituency MPs who will want to demonstrate that Government is changing direction. If anyone tries to ignore us, we will pursue them like hungry German Shepherds let off-leash during lambing season.

Yours sincerely,

Jeremy Clarkson
Ian Botham
Jamie Blackett
Gareth Wyn Jones
Allan Lamb
David Gower
Feargal Sharkey
Alex Story
Nick Ferrari

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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