The Grand Tour

Abbie Eaton May Not Be Returning For Season 4 Of The Grand Tour

With the third season of The Grand Tour coming to a heartfelt end, we wave goodbye to both the iconic tent and the Eboladrome. And yes, while some may not be too disappointed about this revelation, especially after the controversy that the Eboladrome caused, there’s one accompanying change that we’re sure you wont be happy about.

Abbie Eaton, the show’s test driver who quickly built up a large following of her own, may not be returning for the fourth season. Reason being, without the Eboladrome, there’s no need for a professional racing driver to push the cars to their limits. Abbie said this on Twitter…

It’s fair to say that she doesn’t know herself whether she’ll be returning to burn more rubber or not. However, there is hope. During Season 3 she was involved in two non-track segments. She appeared first in a Porsche 911, where she raced against Jeremy who was driving a Lamborghini Urus, in Sweden. Her second appearance took her to the far reaches of Georgia and Azerbaijan where she raced against the trio in a clapped out banger (and still won).

We don’t know what’s going to happen during Season 4, but we hope Abbie returns to join the trio in their adventures. If you feel the same, make sure you tell us below.

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Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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  1. Please keep Abbie!

    Sure, the main attraction of The Grand Tour are Jeremy, Richard, and James, but sometimes you want to see a real racing driver absolutely kick ass and push a car to its absolute limits. It’s nice to see her show them up on a regular basis, in cars that should, by all means, lose. She is just like The Stig, except even better, because we actually get to hear her hilarious commentary, and get to know her as a member of the team.

    Some of my favorite segments from Season 3 are when Abbie races Jeremy in the Porsche, and when she races against them in the Renault, in Azerbaijan. It’s just like The Stig racing in a Caterham, against the build team. That’s good stuff! You can’t just get rid of that!

    This is a CAR SHOW. What is a car show without a professional racing driver on-staff? C’mon, PLEASE KEEP ABBIE! I’ll even start a Goddamned petition for this…

  2. Would love to hear more of what Abbie thinks of the cars she drives, she really is a brilliant racing driver and understands how they perform. Abbie has become part of what The Grand Tour is. Keep Abbie.

  3. Abbie’s the fresh air and confrontation in the show, we like her, like the stig,the unknown element. No Abbie, same ol GT/TG. And she drives fast. Come on, give us a break, keep Abbie.

  4. Please keep Abby, my daughter 2 year old loves watching her race the ”pretty cars” and it’s great to see female representation.

  5. Abbie must stay! She’s fab. Could be a fourth participant in the extended adventure sequences.

  6. Abbie is now part of the team and I’m sure she can be scripted in with the rest of the presenters, vote Abbie in!

  7. Keep Abbie. But if not I’m sure a spot for Ben (Proper Stig) could be found. Have both of them!.

  8. Keep Abbie on the Grand tour she was fantastic this show needs a bit of glamor and besides she’s a brilliant driver

  9. I love that there is a professional female driver on the show. Not only doesn’t she provide some balance for the show but she is an inspiration for young girls in a male dominated sport.

  10. Seems very down to earth, i think they should keep her, a fourth presenter maybe?

    1. Agreed. We definitely need to see more of Abbie. Put her in shitty cars, and watch her kick their asses!

  11. I think it would be good to keep her as a counterpoint to the opinions of the old carts. For that matter, occasionally introducing younger hosts in gradually expanding guest roles would in effect be training their replacements, and allowing the brand to continue in an organic matter, instead of the hard transitions we’ve had to endure on Top Gear

  12. While I absolutely love the three goons, I think including Abbey as a regular addition to the team could bring some fresh life to the team interactions. She’s a great driver and personality. I say give her some proper speaking roles where we can hear her opinions too and let her keep showing up the guys. It will be great!

  13. Abbie gets dangerously close to filling the stig shaped hole in my heart. Keep her.

  14. I hope Abbie is retained. I think she is cool and she rounds out the team. My wife loves the show and likes commentary like “the half shafts are made of chocolate” by Mr. Clarkson. My wife also thinks it is smart to have a female professional racer to temper Mr. Clarkson’s, (pardon) ape-ishness. I think you should keep her in an uncredited role dressed in an all white racing suit.

  15. She drove well. I think giving her some more identity would help. Airport race first time she shows possible quirky personality. Keep.

    1. You need her young energy and ruthlessness behind the wheel to counter the comedy and stoggy ways of the three knuckle heads.
      No matter what we want to know how fast something goes around the Eboladrome.

        1. They won’t have a track because that’s the very thing along with a studio audience and conversations that they are getting rid of. The show is going to be like the US motor home episode… Every show. And they didn’t get rid of the Stig. They couldn’t take that from the BBC. They couldn’t even call the news… The news anymore

      1. Doesn’t anyone understand this would have nothing whatsoever with a desire to keep her on the show but instead as a result of removal of any segments she would take part in? (most likely… As this dumb American understands the shift of the show to all special mode and no studio mode).

  16. If you want to follow Abbie’s driving/racing career, she’s now a regular seat in the Dunlop Super2s in Australia, driving in the V8s Supercars Championship…

  17. If they get rid of Ebola drone – then add her to the team. She has good chemistry and it was a hoot when she beat the guys driving a beater and they had 500+ BHP.

  18. Keep abbie she was funny in the sweden one and quick on the gorgia episode give her a bigger part

  19. Will you please stop referring to everything said or done on Grand Tour as a controversy? Just because one person somewhere was offended, doesn’t make it controversial. I’m sick of everyone being offended by everything. We all love the show for the dry and dark humor.

  20. There is no doubt in my mind she would make a great addition if she were given a larger part in the show. I would have liked to hear her opinions after each lap of the Eboladrome!

  21. I Thought the show with the ‘regular car vs sports car race’ in S3 was great. Find a role for her as an occasional #4 to the trio. It’s nice to shake things up from time to time. I think the boys enjoy having here look in on them from time to time.

  22. I really want Abbie to stay. She is amazing, and I would love to see her in Season 4 (and beyond). She was a phenomenal driver, and a great sport. Absolutely loved her.

  23. They stook away the stig please not Abbie now taking away her now feels like they slowly killing The Grand Tour

  24. I hope she stays. would be nice for cross state races or another segment like in season 3.

  25. Definitely keep Abbie!!! She doesn’t need a tent to excel just a race track. I’m sure she could be apart of the adventures with the boys wherever they go ????

  26. Abbie has to stay… unless she gets a full time gig driving in Australia, then I’ll let this slide 😉 Goodluck AE!

  27. I cried even more than Jeremy did, as he shared that there will be no more Grand Tour as we know it. Been watching faithfully this last 17 years…very sad.

  28. Keep Abby….find or build another track or keep the Eboladrome. Work her into additional bigger parts as well in some more of the antics with speaking parts. Don’t know what that does with the hosts of the show. I don’t know if the nonspeaking although identity revealed is reminiscent of the Stig but we’re beyond that. I like the show as it is. Don’t screw with it too much.

    1. Come on GT Nation. She’s a brilliant driver and should be incorporated into the show in some manner. To good to lose!!!!

  29. Keep Abbie. Give her a bigger role,,,plus if shes the same blood group as the other 3 it could come in handy. Especially Hammond

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