Clarkson, Hammond, and May Pick Their Favorite Moments in The Grand Tour
During a live stream on Twitch in which Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May played Forza Horizon 3 on Xbox Live, they were asked by the host what their favorite “What has been the most genuinely fun location or car or challenge that you’ve done on the show so far?”
Jeremy revealed his favorite segment overall was filming in Italy. Hammond and May both agreed that it was a great moment as well, with Clarkson remarking how he enjoyed that the film was a story which really came together. Hammond added that the country suited the cars particularly well, with Jeremy also adding how great of a country Italy is to drive in.
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James, a bit distracted as he is playing Forza, answers that his favorite moment was driving alone in Namibia along a giant dune into the sunset. He goes so far as to say that it was possibly the most spectacular thing he had ever done. Considering May’s history and some of the amazing moments he has had, that is high praise indeed.
Hammond, throughout the question really just emphasized his co-hosts choices. It is clear that all three of the men really do appreciate the amazing journeys they are able to take together around the world. It’s great to here that even after all this time, our favorite motoring hosts haven’t become jaded and still truly do possess the emotions that come through in the show.
What was your favorite moments from the show so far? Let us know in the comments!