Dart Throwing Tutorial: Advice Only Captain Slow Give
James May is my favorite presented on The Grand Tour, and part of the reason why I like him so much is his ability to make pretty much any subject interesting. That’s an incredible achievement for someone who’s level of excitement never really rises above that of a quick chuckle, but that’s a testament to James’ ability to draw his audience in with interesting information…whether we are interested or not.
One needs to look no further than The Reassembler for proof of that. If you had told me a few years ago that there would be a show about some middle aged guy taking stuff apart and putting it back together and that I would love it, I would have laughed in your face. Repeatedly. Yet here I am, enjoying watching James to that very thing.
This ability to take the mundane and making it “must see TV” is on full display in the video below as Norwegian television host Fredrik Skavlan takes a shot at playing some darts. The video starts off with a rather shameful attempt on Skavlan’s part, after which James goes into full “James” mode. See for yourself below:
If you found that interesting and feel the need for more James May, check out his other shows including The Grand Tour (duh), The Reassembler, James May’s Top Toys, James May’s Big Ideas, James May’s Cars of the Pe3ople, James May’s man Lab, and more.