The Grand Tour

James May Almost Died (Again) Filming in Venice

According to The Sun, James May revealed that he had a close encounter with the Grim Reaper during a stunt The Grand Tour crew was filming in Venice, Italy.

We have all heard about the broken arm while coming out of a pub, but this genuinely sounds like something that spooked the crap out of Captain Slow.

“I thought I would drown. I couldn’t get out of the slippery thing.

“I had completely run out of strength.” – James May

Jeremy Clarkson corroborated on the story saying “Everyone managed to get into their cars but somehow James slipped.”

Couple this with the story of May being genuinely scared of the hot conditions in Namibian and I’m starting to worry that May might not make it through another season of filming, which has already started!

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The one thing we know about James May is that as much as he’s fallen down or almost died, he’s always back for more, as you can see in this video compilation below:

h/t: The Sun

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