James May Reveals Fondest Grand Tour Memory During DriveTribe Q&A
Everyone’s favorite Grand Tour host, James May, recently decided to do a Q&A on Drivetribe. Soon enough, he was asked what his favorite experience was while shooting Top Gear.
To our surprise, May’s favorite moment was “actually from Grand Tour.” Specifically, when the three guys took a trip to Namibia in beach-buggies.
James was driving a Beetle powered buggy, that broke down and left him behind while they were in route to Windhoek.
I was left behind as a result, but that meant I could drive alone across the dunes in the magical evening sun, like the only man in the world, in the only car.
It was a moment from the show that only got “about five seconds” of the final cut, but it would have been understandably amazing. The idea of being secluded out in the remote sand dunes, without the nagging of your mates, what a dream.
We know that the production shoots hundreds of hours per episode, and can assume that the final edit turns hours into seconds. Now to have confirmed that May’s short televised stint in the desert, actually “lasted for hours and was idyllic,” can really make us want to get out and play.