James May’s Amazon Cooking Show “Oh Cook” Details Released
Despite The Grand Tour looking to be dead in the water as the Coronavirus slams filming and production almost to a halt, news on James May’s new cooking show has been revealed.
It was rumoured a couple of months ago that James May is keen to show off his cooking prowess with yet another show to his name under Amazon Prime, alongside not only The Grand Tour, but also James May: Our Man in Japan. The latter received incredibly positive reviews as fans laughed at May making his way through Japan in a very real, and very funny documentary on the county’s way of life.
Now, the cooking show under the name “Oh Cock” has been confirmed, with Plum Pictures behind its production. We’ll get to see James May experimenting with food in the kitchen, just like we did on FoodTribe‘s test run YouTube videos, which we all seemed to love.
James is, maybe surprisingly to some, a very good cook, with him often being seen in the kitchen in various videos on YouTube. He was even pit against the cooking legend and car enthusiast Gordon Ramsay in The F Word, where he won with his tasty fish pie.
“Oh Cook” is rumoured to run for six episodes (no wonder they’re not doing more than two Grand Tour episodes…) and could likely be released alongside a cooking book by the man himself.
We’re very excited for this to be released, especially as we’re not being treated to anything else from the famous trio, and are also hoping for a second season of May’s travel show, wherever it may be.