The Grand Tour

Jeremy Clarkson Comes Under Fire After Council Deems Farm Shop “Covid Risk”

Jeremy Clarkson has been filming his new Amazon Prime farming show, “I Bought The Farm” for almost a year now, and it hasn’t been without its hiccups. There have been several filming interruptions, and his farm shop’s construction was put in jeopardy when its plans were being looked over by the council. Now, the Chadlington Parish Council have labelled Jeremy Clarson’s farm shop a danger after they accused him of flouting planning regulations and coronavirus guidelines.

“Conditions of the original planning application have not been adhered to,” the council said according to the Daily Mail.

“It clearly states that goods retailed from the farm shop shall be solely limited to goods and produce grown, reared and produced on the holding or from local producers based solely within West Oxfordshire District Council boundaries, and this has not been the case.

“Despite assurances to the local shops in the village that there would be no direct competition, this is not happening.”

On top of this, the hay bales used as seating during a ‘pop-up cafe’ were covered in fabric throws, which were also against Coronavirus regulations. As if this wasn’t enough, the council then concludes by bringing into account the filming goings on of I Bought The Farm.

“Large numbers of cars have been parked haphazardly along that piece of road when filming takes place, causing problems and an accident waiting to happen,” they say.

Clarkson was quick to respond to these allegations:

“No cars are ever parked on the road as there is a large car park,” he told the Daily Mail. “Pretty much all” the food and drink on sale comes “either from my farm or from within a few miles of the shop”.

He adds: “In a time of great economic uncertainty, that little shop now employs five people and buys from local producers who otherwise would be out of a job”.

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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