Jeremy Clarkson Complains About Testing As The Grand Tour Work Ramps Up
Jeremy Clarkson and his fellow hosts of The Grand Tour Richard Hammond and James May are ramping up work on The Grand Tour as regulations surrounding Covid are slowly being eased. But, as the team will be working closely and often with each other, it’s no surprise that they are being tested each day just in case. This has resulted in a rather annoyed Clarkson, and as we all know, that usually doesn’t make for a good time.
In a recent Instagram post, he can be seen looking at the camera looking very annoyed, with a tester bud up his nose. I haven’t personally had it done, but from what I’ve read, it’s a rather unpleasant feeling. It goes quite deep.
“The new f*****g normal: daily DIY covid testing,” the caption reads.
Thankfully the boys are being taken care of, especially as there have been a host of issues over the last few years that have either stopped or hindered the boys’ abilities to film and release episodes of the Amazon Prime Video show from pneumonia to car accidents.
As always, we here are all hoping you amazing readers are staying safe and well, and can’t wait to get the ball rolling faster and heavier as we slowly start to crawl out of this troubling time.
Richard Hammond Hints At New Show – Read Here