The Grand Tour

Jeremy Clarkson Giving Away Free Beer As He Tests New Version On The Public [VIDEO]

The Clarkson’s Farm presenter Jeremy Clarkson has been giving out free beers from his own brewery since Saturday.

The Cotswold Brewing Company has been working hard behind the scenes to create his record-breaking Hawkstone Lager, but now they’re also working on a new 4% Session lager. So with this in mind, they’re searching for lager aficionados to take part in testing this week.

From the brewery, members of the public can try two samples of the new lager for free, and on top of this will be treated to a free half pint of Hawkstone Premium Lager, too.

The Session version of Hawkstone will be lighter than the original, but will still consist of the great flavour that can only be made from Jeremy’s very own barley from Diddly Squat Farm.

While this is sounding very positive for the Grand Tour presenter, Jeremy is still fighting against the council as his plans for expansion fall to pieces.

The West Oxfordshire District Council has rejected his plans for a new 60-seat restaurant in an unused lambing shed, as well as a car park big enough for 70 cars on his farm in Chadlington. But, with the proposal said to not be in keeping with the Cotwolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Jeremy declared it to be a “very bad day for farming”.

He said the following: “The Hawkstone master brewers have been working tirelessly on the new Session lager but we’ve reached a bit of a deadlock with these two recipes. We’re calling on all beer lovers to come down to the brewery and help us decide which goes into production.”

Hawkstone Lager can be purchased right now from,, and the Diddly Squat Farm Shop and website for shipping right away. It’s yet to come to America.

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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