The Grand Tour

Jeremy Clarkson Hits Out At Boris Johnson Over Brexit And The Pandemic

Jeremy Clarkson has been farming for well over a year now, and he’s witnessed first-hand the difficulties farmers now face on a daily basis. From rules and regulations to the weather, farmers have it hard. But it’s been made ever harder still thanks to Brexit and its effects. The Grand Tour presenter took to his column to discuss this.

“I can now whinge for hours, without reception or hesitation,” he penned in annoyance.

“The weather. Defra, Carrie Johnson. That b****t alpaca. Chris Packham. Brexit. Badgers. Ramblers. The timber shortage.”

He went on to describe his farming project as “a bottomless pit of misery and despair” that he is currently “wallowing in”.

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This isn’t the first time Jeremy has made his views public on how he is against Brexit, as well as how annoyed he was at how Prime Minister Boris Johnson has dealt with the Covid pandemic. 

In another interview with LBC, Clarkson said the following when he was asked about the future of the country:

“Of course, there’s nobody in Britain who isn’t worried. 

“I’ve got three children in their early twenties and you look at their life and think, ‘Why did you not get up and vote?’

“None of them did, nobody under 25 got up and voted, otherwise we’d be remaining.”

He continued: 

“Those coffin-dodging idiots who voted for Brexit have just screwed it all up.

“Alright, we may lose a car or two but think how many thousands of people are going to have their livelihoods absolutely ruined by car firms understandably moving their factories to Slovakia and whatever else.”

He wrote in his column for The Sun:

“We are looking at the prospect of five million on the dole.

“We are staring down the barrel of a depression beyond anything humankind has ever seen before… and Boris is talking about bl**dy barbecues?

“The trouble is that Boris Johnson is motivated most of all by the need to be liked. 

“Which means he doesn’t want to do anything which, even in the short term, is unpopular.

“Well, I’ve got news for you Boris. You are damned whatever you do.”

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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