Jeremy Clarkson Recalls Hilarious Story About His Car Being Broken Into
Jeremy Clarkson hasn’t always lived in a small stately home-esque building in the Cotswolds. For a long time, especially at the beginning of his career in 1982 where he wasn’t earning a lot of money, he lived in a part of London that, let’s say, had quite the nightlife.
In an interview with DriveTribe, he explained the difficulties he had living on Ledbury road in 1982, which included his car being broken into every night without fail.
“I lived up there,” he said, pointing up the road in Notting Hill. “And every single morning, without fail, my car had been broken into in the night.
“There would be shattered glass and something missing from the dashboard.
“I got so fed up with it that, those ultrasonic alarms had just come out, y’know, they poked out of the dashboard like ET’s head.”
He carries on to say that he made the very expensive purchase of one of these systems, just to be left in an even worse position than before.
“They were 200 quid, which was a lot of money then, but I thought ‘well it’s worth it because it will stop it happening’, so I bought one, came out the following morning, car broken into, they’d stolen the alarm.”
He nodded at the camera in disbelief.
“That was Ledbury Road in 1982, very different now… very different.”
Ledbury Road sits near the Notting Hill Gate and homes incredibly expensive house prices.