The Grand Tour

Jeremy Clarkson Unsure As To Whether Clarkson’s Farm Will Get Season 2

Jeremy Clarkson and his new show Clarkson’s Farm has been a huge success for Amazon and the presenter, with fans singing the show’s praises across social media. But with this praise comes questions of whether there will be a second season of the show.

The show, which only spans 8 episodes on Amazon Prime Video, shows how presenter Jeremy Clarkson created a farm from his 1000-acre land that surrounds his home in the English Cotswolds. It turns out it’s rather harder than he thought, with it not being such a success – you find out more on the final episode.

Now, with fans asking about how it will continue, or whether it will at all, Clarskon has commented on the future of the show.

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Jeremy Clarkson Responds To Season 2 Questions

Jeremy Clarkson admits that he’s in the dark as much as the rest of us, admitting that it’s down to Amazon Prime as to whether the show returns for a second series.

He posted to Twitter after a fan asked him about this directly:

That’s a decision for @primevideouk“, he says. 

Despite this, it does seem as though fans have taken to bombarding Amazon with tweets about a second series, so they definitely know that there’s a want from fans here.

This response comes only moments after Clarkson thanks fans across the world for their positive reaction to the show:

He wrote on Twitter:

“I’m genuinely amazed at the response to Clarkson’s Farm. Thank you all so much for your kind words.

NEXT: The Cars Jeremy Clarkson Has Kept From The Grand Tour At His Farm

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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  1. I loved it never laughed so much. Nothing better than seeing Jeremy out of his depth but embraces it. And his sidekick kaleb brilliant straight talking to Jeremy. Superb

  2. Yes, let’s have another one. It was compelling tv, not sure that a second series could be as good, but it would sure be better than most of the dross currently available across all forms of tv.

  3. I absolutely loved Clarkson’s Farm. It’s the best thing I have seen for a long time. Not only was it very funny but it brought home how hard farming is. From the unnecessary bureaucracy to the financial hardship it showcased what the farming community has to endure. However after saying that I hope Jeremy will persevere and make more series. Perhaps Richard and James could help !!!!!!

  4. Best show for a longtime, if you don’t get Clarksons dry wit and humour then I’m afraid you are a moron turn over.

  5. Hoping for second season. This is a great show, I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time. Chemistry of team is similar to original Top Gear. it is nice to sit-back and enjoy the story unfolding and not be bombarded with an excessive amount of political correctness nonsense that numbs the mind.

  6. I absolutely love Clarksons Farm. I don’t know how he does but he seems to be able to turn his hand to anything and make it both informative and funny. His girlriend is brilliant as are the helpers. Please may it continue into more and more series. After all there will always be plenty of interest in the changing seasons of the farm and the hillarious mind of Jeremy Ckarkson.

  7. The Farm was both entertaining and interesting, series 2 should definitely be made.
    As for the Guardian it’s a free country and they should be allowed to print their biased rubbish,since no one takes them seriously

  8. we love the show, and want to see Jeremy make a go of it the second year. We have faith in you, Jeremy!

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