Richard Hammond's WorkshopThe Grand Tour

Richard Hammond’s Workshop Series Director Reflects On Show So Far: “We’ve Set Ourselves A Few Challenges…”

In a recent video from DriveTribe, they explore the behind the scenes of Richard Hammond’s new show, Richard Hammond’s Workshop, as they setup their new MGB GT racing car for its very first race. Abbie Eaton joined them for their shakedown for the upcoming race and she also set out training the driver of the car, The Smallest Cog mechanic-turned racing driver Anthony Greenhouse.

During the video, as the team are setting up the car for not only the shakedown but also for filming, DriveTribe presenter Mike Fernie was able to talk to Series Director Marcus Sulley. He reflected on how the show has been going so far, and also how he’s turned his hand to filming cars over his normal work of documentary production:

“Yeah, really good. I mean, we’ve of sort set ourselves quite a few challenges with this one. I think it was really important that it kicked on from the first series. So the big thing and why we’re here today is that this team, Cog Racing has had its inception.

“So that’s fantastic. We spent a lot of the time in the workshop, which is good. But I think for everybody, these sort of days are really exciting cuz there’s something to build too.

“They’ve been working on the MG for quite a long time now. Technically it’s quite a challenge because I’m a documentary maker doing this proper kind of, you know, hardcore car stuff… probably, I’d say not on natural forte.

“So the key thing I suppose, with any documentary, is about just getting that passion for what the guys are doing.”

By the end of the day they were very happy with how the MGB has come along. And with the race only a couple of weeks away, Hammond is gearing up for what could be a great maiden voyage for what is turning out to be a very famous little car.

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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