The Grand Tour Presents Lochdown – Everything We Know About The Next Episode
We’re edging ever closer to the release of the next episode of The Grand Tour, now titled Lochdown, so to ready ourselves for what is looking to be an amazing episode, we’ve put together everything we know about The Grand Tour special episode into one place.
The trio began filming in Scotland late last year and several videos were taken along the way during their travels. Using these videos and pieces of evidence put together from word of mouth and rumours, we now have a basic idea of that the episode will look like, and despite it the crew battling against the effects of COVID, it’s looking to be brilliant.
Teaser Trailer From Amazon
@itsthegrandtour Pssst… who wants to see the trailer for The Grand Tour Presents… #Lochdown
The Grand Tour guys have posted a short trailer to Tik Tok, showing off a few bits from the upcoming episode as well as revealing its name, ‘Lochdown’.
The main part to take away from this is James May driving over a floating bridge over an unnamed body of water. Seemingly getting stuck, Clarkson comes up with an idea, which doesn’t seem to please James May as he shouts “Clarkson”.
With it looking as though Jeremy is going to ram James’ car, the screen fades just before the action starts.
Amazon’s Description Of The Episode
Confined to the UK by Covid, Jeremy, Richard and James embark on a Lockdown Special to celebrate the great 70s American cars they saw in TV shows as kids, and to find out just why it was, given their Dads were all driving terrible Austin Allegros, that these amazing vehicles never took off in Britain.
At the wheel of a Cadillac Coupe De Ville as driven by Elvis, a Lincoln Continental as driven by Jock Ewing of Dallas fame, and a Buick Riviera as piloted by Clint Eastwood, the three hosts take their iconic Detroit machines on a road trip across the stunning scenery of Scotland. And even though they are on home turf this lockdown journey turns out to be one of their funniest, most action packed and most charming adventures in years.
Along the way they cause chaos on the ancient streets of Edinburgh, enjoy a hilarious, tyre torturing, high octane showdown with Abbie on the racetrack, before heading off to stage an epic Cold War shootout between the worst Soviet and American cars ever made. They also find themselves homeless in the Highlands after a series of housing-based crash bang wallop catastrophes, but still find time to use classic muscle cars to put an infamous Pizza Express journey to the test. After receiving a text from Mr Wilman, Richard, James and Jeremy modify their cars and head to the Outer Hebrides for one of their toughest challenges yet. At the far reaches of Scotland, they must build a homemade floating bridge across the Hebridean sea, capable of supporting them and their massive cars on a perilous journey to their final destination.
The Start Of Filming In Edinburgh
The Scotland Special started filming September 28th in Edinburgh, with the trio driving three large American cars. James May is driving a red Cadillac, Richard is driving a green Buick, and Jeremy has a blue Lincoln. The trio shot the intro for the special on the east coast of the UK, just south of the Scotland border. It looked like business is continuing as usual for the team once fans spotted a piano hoisted high above a Morris Marina.
They left from there, and the next morning completed a drag race on a runway in South Scotland. The big V8s and terrible brakes should make for an exciting showdown, especially after their drag race on Reunion Island which took place on the most expensive road in the world. We have a feeling it might be quite a contrasting scenario.
It was hard for the crew to go unnoticed as they make their way across Scotland in these large American cars, as you can see from the fan video above.
Towing Caravans
From there, they went to Atholl Palace Hotel in Pitlochry, where they stayed the night before attaching some caravans to their cars. According to our sources, the next day they completed a number of races in Newtonmore, and were also spotted towing caravans which eventually looked like they were modified for the task. According to sources, here they also raced a number of other cars including a Chrysler PT Cruiser, a Pontiac Aztec, and a Lada 1200.
Performance Modifications
At Cairngorm Auto Repairs they modified their cars for a future drag race. Richard’s Buick had a massive air-intake and supercharger poking out of the hood, and James’ Cadillac had massive side exhausts. Jeremy’s Lincoln had massive drag tires installed. See the modified cars in action below:
The Trio Briefly Drove A New Set Of Muscle Cars
After that, the trio was spotted driving three completely different American muscle cars while heading back South. As usual, Richard broke down in a ’70s Dodge Challenger. Also included in the set of new cars was a Ford Mustang and a Chevrolet Nova. There’s no doubt they’re sticking with an American muscle theme throughout this episode. It is still unclear why they briefly switched cars, but apparently, they went to a nursing home to entertain staff and residents during this stint.
Arriving At The Hebrides
The trio then headed to the Hebrides, with someone attached a picture of Prince Harry and Megan on the Cadillac James was driving on the way. While stopping for breakfast, Jeremy had quite the struggle with his plastic forks as he tried to cut into a piece of bacon. The COVID-19 precautions include plastic cutlery. The plastic “COVID Cutlery” are no match for a hungry Clarkson.
The Scotland episode filming didn’t take long to film, and now Clarkson has admitted that editing will only take “three months”. Obviously, we’re unsure how this has been affected by the current UK lockdown, but we hope it won’t intrude too much. He’s also made it known that unlike the other specials which run for a duration of 90 minutes, this Scotland special will only be 60 minutes.
We’re looking forward to it, and are also looking forward to Richard Hammond’s new show, The Great Escapists, which will be released on the 29th of this month to Amazon Prime Video.
I am officially tired of hearing about upcoming episodes.
Make a series and release it on a weekly or monthly or even yearly date.
This is just pathetic
I no longer care. After telling everyone that the Madagascar show would be out “in a few weeks” over 9 months ago, it seems obvious they lied just to keep the Prime mebers hanging on…. TGT was turing into a crap parody of what Top Gear (CHM) was anyway. Top Gear had some excrutiatingly cringeworthy moments but mostly was very good. TGT has reversed that metric.
Basically the boys are now doing Top Gear America, only not even as well as Tanner and Co. did with the actual Top Gear America.
Stick a fork in it……