The Grand Tour Test Track in Swindon Looks Amazing
We all know that the lawyers from Amazon on both sides of the pond have warned the boys about taking too many elements from their old show, so that they could avoid any legal ramifications that may generate a legal mess. No more Stig, celebrity in a reasonably priced car, cool wall and test track.
Wait. A car show with no test track? Well, I don’t think the boys were going to stand for that. According to the Sun, the boys have taken up shop over at a old airbase near Swindon called RAF Wroughton and we thought we’d use our friendly Google Maps to have a look around.
What do you think? There are hangars, a mile long straight away and barely any houses around.
Could this be the future of home of a future Stig-ish character?
How would you configure the new race track?
What are potential names for the different parts of the course?
h/t: The Sun
Very clever. The M2 went round in 1:24. Basically the same time it would have gone round the old Top Gear track. They’ve created a track length / curves / characteristics that mimic the old one so times can be comparable. BBC don’t own 1:10 to 1:40.
Just to piss off the BBC, name a few of the corners after the true names of all the old STIGs.
I like the look of the northern perimeter road and the center runway (east-to-west). You could use the other two runways to chop up the curvy bits with straights. The intersection at 9 o’clock looks like it could be used in much the same way Hammerhead and Chicago are currently used to portray oversteer and understeer. The other road/runway intersections (such as the one at 1 o’clock) show a lot of promise too.
If the Dunsfold track’s conceit was originally to have soft rock names on the corners, I think they ought to use classic heavy metal names for these corners just to tweak the Beeb’s nose a bit. Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden?
starting at the hangars at the top left counterclockwise around the perimeter road once then at the top turn left onto the long runway all the way to the end and right at the hairpin and clockwise all the way around and across the finish line.
You should name one of the turns “Sir Michael” (Gambon) as a giant middle finger to the BBC and their lawyers. 🙂