The Grand Tour Week In Review – Reddit Edition
One of the best places to find all sorts of stuff related to The Grand Tour, especially when we’re in the middle of a dry spell as far as new episodes are concerned, is Reddit. The Grand Tour’s subreddit is a great place for fans to get together, discuss new episodes and news, and post all sort of funny stuff related to the boys. In fact, even your favorite Grand Tour fansite has their own subreddit (that’s us)!
With that being said, let’s look back through the week and see what posts from The Grand Tour subreddit were worth a second look!
Create Your Own Special!
u/KikiNiksa wants you to create your own special that you might like to see in a future episode of The Grand Tour. Requirements include budget, location, mission, and additional car requirements. Let’s see your ideas!
The Greatest Coaster…In the WORLD
If this coaster was really for sale, I would absolutely 100% buy it and replace every single existing coaster in my home with it. As it stands, I’ll probably have to make my own, which will require more time than I have in the day. Such a shame.
Honored After The Hamster
I originally wasn’t going to include this one in this week’s piece, but then I noticed the Challenger under the sign and was suddenly reminded of Hammond’s shenanigans during Episode 3 of The Grand Tour. It’s like it was meant to be.
Why Choose One?
u/baconbitbandit wants to know why one must swear allegiance to either The Grand Tour or Top Gear when competition results in us all winning! We here at GTN feel the same way; while we are a TGT focused site, that won’t stop us from enjoying other car programs either. More is better, most of the time!
I Flew On a Plane Which Was Painted By the Boys
Brought to you by the creators of Peniston Oils and Larsen’s Biscuits! Not really, but who doesn’t enjoy a chuckle from some juvenile humor once in a while?
GQ Jeremy
Great episode, excellent car, fantastic camera work, and a very happy Jeremy off in his own world.
A Gigantic Collection Of Screenshots From Every TGT Episode
u/joelk111 deserves some thanks as he went through every episode of The Grand Tour and took a bunch of screenshots for use as wallpaper. It’s a beautiful show (at times) so thank you!