The Grand Tour Weekly Reddit Review: It’s Gonna Be May, Dacias Everywhere, and More!
One of the best places to find all sorts of stuff related to The Grand Tour, especially when we’re in the middle of a dry spell as far as new episodes are concerned, is Reddit. The Grand Tour’s subreddit is a great place for fans to get together, discuss new episodes and news, and post all sort of funny stuff related to the boys. In fact, even your favorite Grand Tour fansite has their own subreddit (that’s us)!
With that being said, let’s look back through the week and see what posts from The Grand Tour subreddit were worth a second look!
The Meme That Won’t Die

Hey, at least this one is with James May and not Justin Timberlake. That alone makes this infinitely better.
Good News! James May Is Prepared For WW3!

It doesn’t seem like May or any of the TGT boys is actually driving this thing, but I won’t deny that it’s awesome. Great news indeed.
The Guys Playing Pranks On Each Other Is the Funniest Things
From u/Autiosaari; nothing is better than watching good friends screw with each other all…day…long.
Did You Change Your Calendars?

Welp, here’s another one. Side note, I would absolutely rock a calendar comprised of nothing more than James’ face.
Good News! It’s James May’s Favorite Football Club!

Well, I can’t help but chuckle at this one. It’s kind of a Dacia-heavy week.
Paused the Show At the Perfect Moment

I don’t know if you guys know this or not, but I have a superpower. My superpower is randomly pausing TV shows and movies at the perfect moment where the onscreen characters all have derpy expressions. Looks like there are people that share my superpower.
LA Friends, What Scenic Routes Would You Include In a Grand Tour Of Your City?
Asked by u/siiilverrsurfer, what would LA natives suggest for your own personal Grand Tour? I grew up in LA right at the foot of the Angeles National Forest, and I agree with many of the suggestions; Angeles Crest Highway is superb. Who else has some good suggestions?