The Grand Tour

Thoughts From Fans: Is The Eboladrome Really That Controversial?

Season 3 of The Grand Tour has begun, and already we’re seeing some good Eboladrome action from Abbie Eaton, their tame racing driver – a rather better looking version of The Stig. But just like it did after Season 1, the Eboladrome’s name appears to have stirred the easily offended on social media.

The trio have never been afraid of controversy. Remember Richard Hammond‘s ice cream joke from Season 1? Or when a deleted scene from Top Gear appeared in the news of Jeremy Clarkson using a racist remark? James May might be the only one of the three who hasn’t got into trouble of some sort. Although the Mexican moment was kind of a joint effort.

The Eboladrome, named after the Ebola virus because of its similarities in shape from a bird’s eye view, is described as the ‘most dangerous track in the world’ by Clarkson himself. ‘It even looks dangerous on a map’.

This statement alone sparked controversy as the Ebola virus killed over 30,000 people in West Africa over four years ago. But is it really that bad? We asked the fans on our Instagram and Twitter for their thoughts.

What The Fans Think

We had an array of thoughts from joking and making fun of the fact we’d even ask this question, to fans genuinely questioning why it would make any stir at all. Let’s begin with some of the jokes.

Of course someone is going to bring up the fact that one corner is named ‘cage of electricity corner’! Skilledtradescotty even compared the Ebola virus to the track and concluded that the Ebola virus would make for a better track layout. We certainly wouldn’t mind a figure 8 section to return to the show like the ol’ Top Gear Test Track.

There were serious comments however. Are people these days to thin skinned? And are people just overreacting when they aren’t being forced to watch.

Thatcoolguyrob has a very good point. The term ‘Ebola’ is simply the name of an illness. However, it is an illness that has taken people’s lives. If it was called the ‘Sorethroat Circuit’, surely people wouldn’t have reacted the way they did.

Or perhaps the would have?

What strikes me is this. In a world where people are killed everyday from a war of some sort, and where music artists are sexually assaulting their fans and getting away with it, why does it seem as though the Eboladrome has been getting more attention than those pressing matters? And why do people give it the time of day, even if they are upset.

I believe that this has brought up a crack in society. Do people actually care, or are they latching on to a complaint because it gets more airtime on social media. Perhaps tell me your thoughts in the comments below.


Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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