The Grand Tour

Video: Richard Hammond Talks About The Time He Almost Killed James May

Working in close proximity to someone for a long duration can be the perfect catalyst for murder… especially when you work with James May.

In the video below, Richard Hammond talks us through the time he very nearly killed his co-presenter James May, plus other questions that fans of The Grand Tour have sent into DriveTribe for this Q&A.

He begins the Q&A by talking through what he would be doing right now if he wasn’t involved with The Grand Tour. Of course, before Top Gear and the Amazon Prime motoring show, he was still heavily involved with TV and radio, including the show Men and Motors. I’ll embed a video below so you can see baby Hammond review something spicy. Oh, it is so very bad.

From there he moves onto his other passions. Biking, which won’t be a surprise to anyone who knows him, is a big love of his, but so is hill walking with his dog Billie.

Now, the bit you’ve all been waiting for, his almost-muder of James May. It happened during an Arctic adventure (maybe the race to the North Pole in the Arctic Truck AT38), where James and Richard were arguing about whether exercise makes you stupid. An argument is quite normal between the two of them as they both find it entertaining, but this one went a tad too far.

James, arguing for the point of exercise making you stupid, was quickly confronted by Hammond wielding a shovel, threatening him. “James, I’m holding this shovel. Leave, or it’s going to go very black very sudden,” he says.

“I might actually raise it again with him again,” he laughs.

What’s your favourite Hammond moment? Let us know in the comments below!

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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