Pilot Of Piper Cherokee Makes Emergency Landing On Canada Highway In Incredible Video Footage
On April 17th, Radio Canada reported of a Piper Cherokee plane having to make an emergency landing on a busy highway near Quebec, Canada due to the vehicle experiencing engine problems. Multiple bewildered drivers caught the bizarre incident on camera – thankfully there were no injuries to any drivers or the anyone in the plane, so you can sit back and marvel at this crazy situation safe in the knowledge everyone was okay.
The problem, which obviously occurred mid-flight, meant the pilot was attempting to get to a nearby airport for its emergency landing, however, it became increasingly clear to the pilot that the Piper plane wasn’t going to be able to make it that far and made the incredibly brave decision to land the aircraft on the highway. As you can see from the videos, the pilot did a marvellous job of bringing down the aircraft safely, albeit even if they did appear a bit shaky at first – who wouldn’t? Considering that everyone walked away safely from this incident, it just goes to show the incredible skill shown by the pilot.
Hilariously, rather than coming to a stop, traffic on the road just treated the plane like any other car – slowing down to make room but staying dangerously close to the vehicle – as if seeing a plane land on a highway wouldn’t pose any immediate danger.
Once the pilot touched down, they steered it over to the hard shoulder of the road – which allowed drivers to pass in the clear open lanes – with firefighters later arriving on the scene and securing the vehicle and a truck then being used to tow the plane away.
The video footage makes for some quite incredible viewing – we are just glad that everyone came out of this without a scratch – and in future, if a plane lands on a road in front of you, it is probably best to keep your distance and not treat it like any other vehicle as some of these drivers did.