Industry news

The Slowest Drag Race In The World!

When you hear the term ‘drag race’, the first thing you think of is two fast cars and a quarter-mile track. Maybe some sort of American muscle car, maybe a Japanese sports car turbocharged to insanity, certainly not a Trojan 200 and a Heinkel 175cc.

I feel like you’re looking at the screen wondering what the hell you just read. Both the Trojan and Heinkel are bubble cars. They Heinkel was produced between 1955 and 1964, and the Trojan between 1960 and 1967 – both of which were mostly the same car but with difference license holders for the rights.

In the video, the red British Trojan and blue German Heinkel face off in what is possible the slowest drag you will ever see and, according to Santa Pod where the drag race took place, the word’s first drag race between such vehicles.

According to the driver, Stephanie, the Trojan should have beaten the Heinkel, but due to a couple of mechanical problems, namely the loss of the carburetor top and the clutch beginning to slip, it failed to out drag the German bubble car competitor.

Well, thank you Stephanie for sending in this brilliant video. It may not be the fastest race, but it is certainly one of the most entertaining!

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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