This Is What The Inside Of A Working Differential Looks Like
There are a few videos out there that simulate how a differential works. Like the one below for example, which I’m sure you will have seen floating around on Facebook somewhere at some point.
But while watching this is great, and I have to say, I learnt a lot, there’s nothing like actually seeing inside a working differential on a real car.
Bring on the legend diesel truck tuner that is Gail Banks and his see through differential, and we’re treated to an innovative look a the actual workings and insides of a differential and how its workings plough through the yellow oil and disperse it.
This is where it gets interesting, because as the car picks up speed, and therefore the differential is doing the same, it circulates the confined oil differently. But engineers are intelligent folk, and the oil goes exactly where it needs to be at different speeds. Down the axle tube for example, or over the pinion bearing.
What else do you want to watch working on a car? Coming up, we’ve got a great video of a rotary engine in action. Stay tuned, folks!