Industry news

TVR Gearing Up To Produce The New Griffith… Finally

It’s been many years since I first wrote about the TVR Griffith. I was thick with glee to deliver the news that TVR was returning and bring back a V8 powered Griffith, but it never happened. We waited and waited, deposits were taken, and yet no word came of the bright red Griffith. The car suddenly became a thing of legend with journalists hinting of deception and fans of the British company demanding answers. Finally, the answers have come.

The reasoning behind the blackout around TVR has recently been announced. Firstly, it took a long time for them to find a contractor to build the car. It sounds as though the TVR team severely underestimated just how long it would take to find one, and as a result of having to accept tenders from across Europe. And even when the company had found a successful contractor, they were alarmed to discover ‘some harmful and unusual substances’ in their 200,000 sq ft building, which used to be a Techboard factory. The condition of the main roof and fire system’s water tanks were also far below what was expected.

This all resulted in the release date of the Griffith being pushed back from the initial date of 2017. But now, with everything starting to fall into place, the first 2,000 cars can be built for those who have sent deposits. According to a statement from TVR, there are still “a few bits and pieces that need to be tied up”, but we can more than likely expect the Launch Edition to be released late 2020 with the high volume car coming the next year.

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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