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Watch A Car Drop 150 Feet Onto A Specially Made Kevlar Trampoline

Mark Rober is a famous YouTube engineer, in the past putting his name to the infamous glitter bomb trap for people who stole undelivered boxes. He’s got a brilliant mind, but this mind hasn’t only worked on his YouTube projects. Previously, he’s worked for NASA and Apple, so it comes as no surprise when we saw a video of him seeing if his car could fly.

Okay, maybe it’s not to see if it could fly. But for fun, Rober dropped his old car from the great height of over 150 feet while a trampoline stood in wait underneath. For this project, he teamed up with the ‘How Ridiculous‘ YouTube channel to make the most of his poor Holden dropping from the sky.

The trampoline, itself weighing in at 2-tonnes, was something Rober designed specifically for this task, with a car not being the only subject to fall to its death. A boat was also used, as well as a handful of other random objects. Thankfully, the trampoline was made to deal with these objects, with the mat being made from kevlar. It was cut using an angle grinder.

I’ll let you watch the video to see what happens, but it’s truly brilliant and well worth a watch.

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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