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Watch This Lamborghini Huracan Reach 200MPH In Just 7 Seconds

There are fast cars, and there are what the f**k cars. This twin-turbo Lamborghini Huracan is most certainly one of the latter. Watch the video below of one of the hardest working transmissions in the world, then we’ll get talking about it.

This is a Huracan built by Underground Racing. Its 5.2-litre V10 engine has been rebuilt from the ground up, and two turbochargers the size of Saturn have been strapped in for the ride. This, unfortunately, is all we know about its modifications. But who cares, when this is possibly the best 22 seconds video I’ve ever seen.

Once you’ve gotten over how quickly the surroundings go from still to blurry in the video, you can sit back, close you eyes, and enjoy the sound of its immense launch control enabling it to bounce off the rev-limiter as it takes centre stage at the drag strip. Once the beast is released, it powers through its gearbox excruciatingly quickly, and reaches the speed of 200mph before most cars could reach half that.

The whirs and whooshes emanating from the powertrain are hypnotising, and the G-forces the driver was under I’m sure were intoxicating. If you’re wondering why people could ever enjoy accelerating in a straight line, this would be the perfect reason. Intense power and speed, with one hell of a sound track to match.

As soon as more details are offered about this car, we’ll get straight on it, but until then, I think I’m going to watch this a few more times.

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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