The Grand Tour

Clarkson Shuts Down Viewer Who Asks For More ‘Journalism’

There are certain segments of The Grand Tour that stand out to us. The Group B rivalry was covered expertly by Clarkson, Jim Clark’s success was emotionally brought to us by Hammond, and May use his enthusiasm in space travel to bring us a moving piece of Neil Armstrong.

But, I suppose we’re what you would class as ‘hardcore’ fans, as it turns out someone on Twitter has completely missed the majority of these amazing segments, and has instead of looking for them, has turned to Clarkson’s Twitter to complain. Well, complain is a harsh word. Maybe ‘comment’ is a better fit.

Now let’s face it. This guy certainly wasn’t meaning to be rude, but Clarkson very quickly managed to put him in his place by listing the endless ‘serious journalism’ pieces the trio had done.

Being Twitter, there were plenty of people who had their different opinion on the matter.

And despite the what seemed to be endless praise for the more journalistic segments, it’s fair to say that some viewers much prefer the traditional TopGear-esque pieces where they all end up breaking something or themselves.

One follower of Clarkson even asked the question, “If you wanted serious journalism, why watch The grand Tour?” I think he’s forgetting that Clarkson, Hammond and May have only reached this legendary position by being world-class motoring journalists. The more you know…

What do you think? Do you want to see more journalistic segments or more flames and crashes? Let us know!

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One Comment

  1. I love peaceful scenes where everything is beautiful, where Jeremy, Richard and James did not suffer, where they show unusual things, luxury and richness, the beauty of nature, the unprecedented corners of the planet Earth, they joke a lot and where not a single car has suffered.

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