James May Tastes Ryan Reynold’s Aviation Gin In Funny New Video
James May has released an unlisted video to YouTube where he compares his Asian Parsnip ‘James Gin’ to Ryan Reynolds’ ‘Aviation Gin’. Well, that’s the premise, anyway. Instead, he compares it to urine, after he said the Canadian actor’s gin “tastes like p*ss” in a previous video.
James May began his journey into the gin industry almost a year ago, and in this time he’s produced two delicious products: Asian Parsnip, and Asian Parsnip Navy Strength. They’ve both been very successful, with his batches, albeit small, selling quickly.
In contrast, Ryan Reynolds’ Aviation Gin was just bought by the world’s largest spirit maker, with Ryan’s portion of the company being valued at $610million in total. Now James is looking to capture some of this market.
A year ago, I made a video promoting my Asian Parsnip gin in which I said that Brian Reynolds’ gin – Ryan Reynolds’ gin – Aviation, tastes like p*ss even though I’d never actually tasted it,” he tells the camera.
“Now, I’ve had a slightly frosty letter from Brian’s… Ryan’s people and they’ve sent me a free bottle. So it seems only fair now that we do a taste test comparison.”
He pours himself a shot of the Aviation gin and drinks it before looking into the camera, nodding. “Mm,” he agrees.
“Now let’s see how it stacks up,” he says as he’s given another shot glass. But while we expect it to be his Asian Parsnip gin, this time it’s the liquid is amber coloured. “Still warm,” he says before drinking it.
The video ends with the perfect promotional slogan: “Better than p*ss”.
In the description of the video, James has hidden an extended clip of him talking about Reynolds’ gin.
Both of James’ gin products are now available in the US as well as the UK, so if you fancy some delicious parsnip-py gin paired with Asian spices, go here. If you fancy an equally as good glass of Aviation gin, go here.