Jeremy Clarkson Urges People To Volunteer To Help Vaccinate For Covid
Jeremy Clarkson has stepped away from being behind the wheel on The Grand Tour, with him instead taking to the camera to bring us a more important message. On behalf of the NHS, The Sun, and the Royal Voluntary Service, he’s produced a video where he visits a Covid-19 vaccination centre in the hopes of asking those who can to donate their time to the cause.
He says: “Everyone is saying how bored they are. They’ve watched Netflix, gone through everything on the internet, read Google.
“Well let’s not be bored — let’s get off our bottoms and volunteer.”
He continues:
“Please, please, please volunteer.
“The Sun campaign to get volunteers is so important. These volunteers here and everywhere else are vital.
“It’s a chance to have a bit of a laugh with the people waiting to be vaccinated. Everyone is capable of helping.”
He’s seen in the video charming the elderly and other at-risk groups waiting in line outside the centre, before going inside to talk to a doctor, Dr Smith about the vaccine further.
“It’s a small centre but even there they need 50 volunteers to keep things going throughout the week,” Clarkson continues.
“That shows how many volunteers you need across the country to make it work.
“To be involved in solving the biggest crisis we’ve seen since 1939 is so important.
“So wake up one morning and say, ‘Yeah, I’m going to do that. I’m going to volunteer’.
“When you see that 82,000 people have died and think that’s around the capacity of Wembley Stadium, it brings home what we’re going through.”
Clarkson caught the virus over the Christmas holidays but didn’t take it as badly as some. He says:
“I was lucky compared to the poor people suffering really badly with it in hospital.
“When I was told I had it, I sat in my bedroom on my own. I didn’t feel bad with it — it felt like I had a minor cold.
“So you think, ‘I’ve got ten days of sitting here by myself with an iPad and YouPorn’ and you think, ‘I’ll muddle through’.
“But Day 11 is typically the day you either go, ‘Great. I’m better’ or you go to hospital and you might die. You go to a fork in a road without knowing which fork you go down.”
A 75-year-old volunteer marshal named Maddy Radburn is seen outside, managing the lines of patients and helping them keep within social distnacing regulations. She said: “It’s such rewarding work.”
Anne Carter, another marshal, said: “Some haven’t been outside their homes for months so are a bit anxious.
“We reassure people and tell them the process and where they’re going.”
Practice senior partner Dr Stephen Smith who talked to Clakrson said: “The marshals have been incredible.
“The end point is that injection of hope that we put into people’s arms. It starts with a volunteer making sure a patient goes to the right place, and getting them through the building.
“We genuinely couldn’t do it without them.”
If you want to learn more and sign up to volunteer, click here.