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This NASCAR Dodge Shows What A Car Breaking A Speed-Record Should Sound Like

A lot of a car’s beauty – as most car enthusiasts would probably agree – comes from its sound. Hearing the furious roar or sometimes vicious scream of a powerful engine just fills your heart with the utmost excitement. Most importantly, the sound of a car seems to bear identification of its power.

However, a really fine example supporting this assumption is this video of a 2006 Nascar Dodge capping out at 248.50 mph:

As reported by, this 2006 NASCAR Dodge took part in what is called the Nevada Open Road Challenge. During this event the police disables the 90 mph speed limit on a strip of State Route 318 once a year to allow petrol heads maxing out their cars.

Anyhow, in 2012 the above shown Dodge broke the event’s speed record by achieving an average speed of 217.557 mph over a distance of 90 miles in addition to capping out at a max-speed of 248.50 mph.

But what seems to be even more amazing is how the Dodge sounds as it drives past the spectators. It’s got that raw scream every car-lover thrives and which should be the reason for watching the video of it driving down the road over and over and over again…

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