Survey By Mazda Finds Millennials Prefer Road Trips Over TV
Never before have we had to deal with an overload of information. The cyber ocean of content the internet has to offer at our fingertips can be overstimulating. Remembering to unplug and step away from your computer is important for one’s health. One offline activity that has been a go-to for decades before the internet is taking a road trip. A recent survey found that the Millennial generation knows the value in the open road.
The Mazda Millennial Survey
This study was conducted by Kelton Global on behalf of Mazda in what is being referred to as the Mazda Millennial Survey. The survey asked 1,004 people aged 23-38, living in the U.S., what they would most like to do with their free time. Of the 1,000+ millennials surveyed, 39% said they would take a driving adventure.
To put that figure into perspective, only 26% said they would like to stay home and binge-watch content. Another interesting reveal was that of the group who said they would go on a driving adventure, 92% stated that if given the choice they would rather go with a loved one rather than a celebrity or social media star. Backing up their response by agreeing that a road trip creates quality time with their passengers.
Mazda’s current slogan is “Feel Alive” which is meant to evoke thoughts of adventure, fresh air, and the spirit of the open road while piloting a new CX-3, CX-5, or MX-5. Taking a road trip can be as simple as filling a gas tank and choosing a horizon. Ironically, thanks to the internet road trips are easier than ever thanks to GPS. Travel websites mean you’ll never be camping in the back seat – unless you want to.
Around the block or across a country. Get out. See the world without worrying about hashtags.