Industry news

The New GT-R Will Be The ‘Quickest Car Of Its Kind’

It’s been a long time since the GT-R was the fastest on the track, hasn’t it? When it was released its onslaught of road-destorying technology rocketed it to the top of everybody’s want list. To some, they even said it was ‘too good’, and called it a computer on wheels. Nowadays, every other car manufacturer have caught up and no long4er is the GT-R the fastest thing this side of a Japanese Tōge.

But those days will soon be coming to an end. Juicy bits of information are slowly being revealed, and Nissan’s design chief Alfonso Albaisa has just given AutoCar exactly what we’ve been wanting to hear for a long time.

“Whether we go to a lot of electrification or none at all, we can achieve a lot power-wise,” Albaisa said. “But we are definitely making a new ‘platform’ and our goal is clear: GT-R has to be the quickest car of its kind. It has to ‘own’ the track. And it has to play the advanced technology game; but that doesn’t mean it has to be electric.”

So there we have it, it’s likely that the new GT-R could be hybrid – if you look at the current market trend it is almost a given – and it’s going to be class leading.

Albaisa also hints at what the new car is going to look like. He says it would need to be “imposing and excessive” not through the use of wings and intimidating blades, but through its “visual mass” and “audacity”.

“It simply says: ‘I’m a GT-R, I’m a brick, catch me.’ It’s the world’s fastest brick.”

I for one, can’t wait.

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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