Industry news

Two Lamborghini Urus Crash Into Each Other After Being Stolen By Kids

The Lamborghini Urus isn’t such a loved car in the industry. It’s bought by people who have more money than sense, but despite this, it does feed the Lamborghini balance books to keep other, more interesting projects afloat. These two weren’t bought, though. They were stolen by two kids from Lamborghini Boston.

According to Wayland Police Department, they set off the burglar alarm at 3:05 am when police officers were quickly dispatched to the scene. While en route, they spotted two Lamborghini Urus at an intersection alongside a Chevrolet Cruze. They attempted to stop the cars, but only the Chevy pulled over while the two Urus sped off at high speeds. The occupants of the Chevy were juveniles without licenses and didn’t have “authority to operate the vehicle in their possession.” They were arrested as a result.

At the same time, other officers got to the dealership to find its windows had been smashed and the Lamborghini SUVs stolen. It took five hours for them to find out more about the two Urus after police in nearby Malden had informed them that the two cars had crashed into each other. Malden Police Department was able to take one person into custody, but another suspect escaped on foot.

The investigation is still underway, but the department has been credited for it “quick resolution” to “very good police work by the responding officers, communications/dispatch center, Wayland detectives and the Malden Police Department.”

We don’t know exactly what damage was done, but photos and video posted by Boston25’s Michael Henrich show that one of the Urus rear-ended a Kia Soul before being rear-ended by the other Urus, and through this both received major front-end damage.

Lamborghini Boston seems in good spirits after the incident, posting this to its Facebook page:

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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