James May Embarks on Indian Adventure with Amazon After Grand Tour Departure
James May, the beloved former star of The Grand Tour, has embarked on a thrilling new journey with Amazon Prime in his latest show, James May: Our Man in India. This move comes after his surprising departure from The Grand Tour, marking a new chapter in his career.
Key Takeaways:
- James May’s New Venture: After leaving The Grand Tour, James May has launched his own show on Amazon Prime, “James May: Our Man in India.” This three-part series promises to take viewers on an epic 3,000-mile journey across India, showcasing its diverse landscapes and cultures.
- The End of The Grand Tour Era: The departure of James May from The Grand Tour, a show he co-hosted with Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond, signifies the end of an iconic era. The show, highly popular on Amazon Prime, concluded its last episode in June this year.
- Jeremy Clarkson’s Success Post-Top Gear: Alongside May’s new endeavor, Jeremy Clarkson has also found significant success on Amazon Prime with his show Clarkson’s Farm. The show, focusing on Clarkson’s farming ventures, has been a hit, with the second series being the most-watched on the platform in the UK.
Former The Grand Tour co-host James May is ready to dazzle his fans with an adventurous exploration of India in his new series, “James May: Our Man in India.” This announcement follows May’s unexpected exit from The Grand Tour, a decision made alongside his co-hosts Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond to pursue individual projects. The series is set to air on January 5, 2024, and is expected to captivate audiences with its depiction of India’s stunning diversity.
A spokesperson for the show described it as James May’s “greatest adventure yet,” highlighting the journey’s span from the Arabian Sea to the Bay of Bengal, traversing through landscapes like the deserts of Rajasthan and the Himalayan foothills. The show also promises to delve into India’s diverse environments, from its vast megacities to the unique mangrove forests of the Sundarbans.
The Sun reported the end of The Grand Tour, marking a significant moment in television history. A source expressed the collective decision of Clarkson, May, and Hammond to leave the show at its peak popularity, acknowledging their advancing years and desire to pursue other projects.
In a parallel success story, Jeremy Clarkson has made waves with his show Clarkson’s Farm on Amazon Prime. The show, which first aired in 2021, follows Clarkson’s attempts at managing a farm in the Cotswolds. Despite initial challenges and controversial remarks about Meghan Markle, Clarkson’s farming series has soared in popularity, with its second series becoming the most-watched show on Amazon Prime in the UK. The third series, focusing on pig farming, is eagerly anticipated, along with Clarkson’s bestselling book “Diddly Squat: Pigs Might Fly.”
Jeremy Clarkson’s career rebound is notable, especially considering the backlash he faced over his comments about Meghan Markle. In a column, he made controversial remarks that led to significant public outcry and over 20,000 complaints. Clarkson later issued an apology via Twitter, acknowledging his mistake and promising to be more cautious in the future.