Jeremy Clarkson Drama: John Bishop Lashes Out At Presenter For “Inciting Violence On A Woman”
The Grand Tour host, Jeremy Clarkson, has caused chaos on social media over the weekend after his latest column for The Sun was published. Clarkson hit out at Meghan Markle and has received a huge amount of backlash over his comments. Comedian, John Bishop, has joined in with calling Clarkson out for inciting “violence on a woman.”
Bishop took to Twitter to write:
“WTF is this ?? I don’t care who you are or who you work for you simply can not write things like this. It is a blatant appeal to incite humiliation and violence on a woman. Some have excused it as dark humour. There is mo joke here @JeremyClarkson and no excuse.” [sic]
WTF is this ??
I don't care who you are or who you work for you simply can not write things like this. It is a blatant appeal to incite humiliation and violence on a woman. Some have excused it as dark humour. There is mo joke here @JeremyClarkson and no excuse.— John Bishop (@JohnBishop100) December 18, 2022
To re-cap what Clarkson wrote in his column when he said that he hated Markle “on a cellular level”, he wrote:
“At night, I’m unable to sleep as I lie there, grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day when she is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant, ‘Shame!’ and throw lumps of excrement at her.
“Everyone who’s my age thinks the same way.”
Bishop received praise from other users for using his platform to call the former Top Gear host out. One user wrote:
“Well said John Bishop. Men calling out other men matters. Setting the bar!”
Another picked up on Clarkson saying “everyone who’s my age thinks the same way”. They wrote:
“Not into canceling anyone but agree with John Bishop this is totally unacceptable to be said out loud or published without consequence for Jeremy Clarkson. I am a man of his age but he doesn’t speak for me, ever.”
Bishop is not the first celebrity to hit back at Clarkson, TV personality Carol Vorderman was quick to comment on the column as well as many others.