The Grand Tour Episode One Soundtrack: I Can See Clearly Now
One of the biggest questions from episode one had nothing to do with cars or explosions or the banter between the boys. The question was about the music and thanks to Amazon and technology, we break it down for you here.
I Can See Clearly Now by Hothouse Flowers | Opening Sequence
The song that was tugging on most grown men’s hearts was the opening sequence song, “I Can See Clearly Now” and the symbolism behind using a Irish Rock Band after leaving a show for punching an Irish Producer can be discussed at another time, but the fact is The Hothouse Flowers is a band handpicked by Jeremy Clarkson and Jezza is a fan of their combination of soul, gospel and rock and we can clearly see why.
Well, for those lucky enough to attend the opening sequence taping in California, we got to hear first hand, the band behind the tear-jerking opening intro music for Jeremy’s symbolic transition from corporate micromanagement to the freedom and independence of the wild west of California.
[button color=”red” size=”big” alignment=”center” rel=”follow” openin=”samewindow” url=””]Buy Mp3 “I Can See Clearly Now” for $1.29[/button]
Here’s the rest of the music that was played during the rest of the episode.
Same Ol’ by Heavy | Season 1 Preview Trailer
Nøkken’s Song by Guy Andrew | The Boys Meet Up in Portugal
The Beast by Jóhann Jóhannsson | Unloading the LaFerrari
Hyper Worm Tamer (Unkle Remix) by Grinderman | LaFerrari around the track
Alex Accesses Crime Scene by John Debney | The Grand Tour Track Reveal

The Rise of Ma-Ma by Paul Leonard-Morgan | Jeremy Clarkson Review of the M2

Atl Street Chase by David Sardy | Jeremy Clarkson Review of the M2
She’s a Pass by Paul Leonard-Morgan