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Street Racer Gets Caught Doing 110MPH But Admits To Police He Was Going Much Faster

Timothy Brooks Holden (great name) has been given 150 hours of community service and an 18-month driving band after he was caught speeding, according to the NZ Herald.

He was caught late last year by the police on a country road near Hastings, New Zealand. He was clocked at 109.3mph by an officer with a radar, but when he was pulled over, he admitted that he was actually going much faster. That’s right. He actually told the officer that he was going faster than almost 110mph.

He told the Napier District Court that he was in fact driving at 121.1 mph. The reason? To “beat the car next to him”. Admitting to the courts that he was involved in a street race, they named sentenced him to 150 hours of community service and an 18-month ban, which he described as being “manifestly excessive”. He was hoping for a maximum of a 12-month ban.

This large sentence isn’t surprising, however, as the driver already had six previous convictions on the road, with a previous example being “sustained loss of traction”, which is unsurprisingly illegal. He was in fact sentenced to jail in 2006. On top of that, Holden had collected 20 infringements.

The defence from his Lawyer Lisa Grand consisted of her explaining that the road was straight and rural, and that no one else was on it. Apart from the guys racing, and of course, the police officer. The police argued that this was still dangerous thanks to it being in the middle of Winter, and 11pm with no road lighting. Of course, Holden’s history didn’t help him.

The appeal judge said the following to back up her decision:

“He will engage in such offending again, potentially putting members of the public at risk.”

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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