Jeremy Clarkson Angers Safety Group With Speed Camera Bit In Episode 12
Another week, another group upset with Jezza. Sheesh people, lighten up will ya? Do people not know when others are joking anymore? I suppose I should be thanking IAM RoadSmart for giving me something to write about, so thank you for getting upset at Jeremy’s comments in Episode 12 of The Grand Tour.
The Courier reported today that Neil Greig, director of policy and research at IAM RoadSmart, was none too happy about Jeremy’s comments in Episode 12. For those that missed the episode, Jeremy was commenting on the average speed camera network dotting the A9 and exclaimed “You can take our licenses but you cannot take our freedom!”
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Mr. Greig replied, “It’s only by having average speed cameras that many more petrolheads will live on to die in their beds. They may not be loved by everybody but they have effectively stopped all dangerously excessive speeding and made the road a much more relaxed place to be.”
All dangerous excessive speeding? That sounds a bit hyperbolic, but who am I to challenge that claim? I don’t even live in the UK. Another spokesperson offered a far more palatable response: “Mr Clarkson was hopefully just having a bit of fun on this occasion. In the two years of being operational, fatal casualties along the A9 corridor within the monitoring area have dropped almost 43% and serious injury casualties by almost 63%.”
Now that seems more believable. And come on…Jezza was just making a crack. No need to take everything he says so seriously. If you REALLY want to crack down on traffic accidents, target dumb drivers.