Jeremy Clarkson Is Glad Halloween Has Been Cancelled This Year
Jeremy Clarkson has explained in his latest column how he feels that Halloween being canceled is the only good thing to come from the COVID pandemic.
The Grand Tour presenter begins by explaining how much he likes Vincenzo De Luca, an Italian politician.
“Earlier this year, he said that if students continued to flout the coronavirus restrictions, he would instruct the police to use flamethrowers,” Clarkson wrote. He continues to say that De Luca is now impressing him again after he’s confirmed that Italy’s Campania region will go into lockdown on the evening of Halloween, October 31.
“Many were surprised by this and asked him why he’d chosen the night of Halloween to start the curfew,” he continued.
“They pointed out that many children had been looking forward to putting candles in pumpkins, and trick or treating on the streets of Naples.”
He then quotes De Luca as he explains the reasoning behind this lockdown’s start date. De Luca said the following:
“Halloween is this huge piece of nonsense, this huge stupid Americanism that has also been imported into our country. Halloween is a moment of idiocy.”
Clarkson goes on to agree with the politician, explaining how the idea of Halloween began and its religious roots.
“Whatever, it became known as Hallow’s Evening and pretty soon, after people had grown brains, it died out.
“I certainly never did anything on Halloween when I was a kid and I bet you didn’t either.
“But then, the Fancy Dress Outfitters Association of America decided they could drum up a bit of business if they brought it back.”
It’s fair to say that Clarkson doesn’t believe in Halloween, blaming the holiday on marketing and the want for profit by shops. And he continues these opinions as he revels in the fact that the UK will also be in a level of lockdown high enough to cancel Halloween over the end of this month.
“It’s the first real upside of this whole Covid business,” he writes.
But at the end of his column for The Sun, he admits that this hate for Halloween has stemmed from one thing. COVID’s effect on pumpkin sales, thanks to Halloween being canceled, has ruined his plans of selling all of his pumpkins that he’s been farming this year.
“Of course, my bitterness might have something to do with the fact that I have a whole field of pumpkins which I planted to cash in on the Halloween festivities.
“And now, no one’s buying them.”