Jeremy Clarkson Opens Doors To His Brewery To Offer Fans Free Beer As Hawkstone Lager Plans Next Product
In a recent Instagram post from Hawkstone Lager’s own account, the company has revealed the opening of its brewery to fans of the beer and Jeremy Clarkson himself.
With a photo of what we assume is a drunken Jeremy Clarkson with a number of empty bottles in front of him, the caption tells us the following:
“Sometimes our Hawkstone lager tastings can last longer than we’d planned ..our brewery is open now for free beer and tastings for you to tell us what you think! (See website for details)”
The brewery is working on a second product in the form of a session beer, so are offering free tasting sessions to fans of Jeremy and the lager so they can figure out what their potential customers like and don’t like about each of their test formulas.
The session will be lighter than the original premium version of the lager, but will still be used from Clarkson’s Farm’s (Diddly Squat Farm) very own barley.
We’re looking forward to seeing the behind the scenes of the drink’s creation in Series 2 of Clarkson’s Farm, reportedly being released later this year.