The Grand Tour First To Test Bugatti Chiron
One of the first episodes of old Top Gear that I ever watched was Series 9, Episode 2 when James May took the Bugatti Veyron out on the Ehra-Lessien test track and maxed out the speed at 259.7 MPH. It was actually the first time I had seen the Veyron in action (other than in video games) and it was an amazing sight, almost like a movie special effect. I envy anyone who has gotten the chance to go that fast in a car.
After James had another go in the Veyron Super Sport (Series 15, Episode 5) and actually held a world record for a few minutes, I immediately wondered how Bugatti would ever follow this up. I mean, top speeds of road cars are finite, right? You can’t have a car that goes 238974659287634598234 MPH on public roads, so what would be next for Bugatti?
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Enter the Chiron, Bugatti’s new tire slayer, which The Grand Tour has managed to get their hands on:
Any follow up to a tremendous car like the Veyron is certain to make headlines, and it’s no surprise that the Chiron’s performance is something gear/petrol heads have been waiting for. There’s no word on which episode of The Grand Tour this test will air on, but we know it’s coming.
Unfortunately, the absolute top speed of the Chiron will not be seen on The Grand Tour (at least not at first). Bugatti is limiting the speed to 261 MPH until the company itself gets the first crack at the Veyron Super Sport’s 267.8 MPH record, with an attempt currently scheduled for sometime in 2018. TGT or not, I am absolutely looking forward to seeing how fast this beast can go!
Anyone want to take some guesses at the top speed?