Video: James May Reviews The Tesla Model S P100D
Do you want James May’s perspective on the widely renowned Tesla Model Model S P100D? Then buckle up, folks, as we’ve got his latest YooToobs video right here. Enjoy!
He also reviewed the car in writing, which you can find by clicking here on DriveTribe.
May seems to be quite against how much the car costs. He says, “it is a bit unreasonable. It seems quite expensive for a car that doesn’t really have an engine or gearbox and all the complicated machining and assembly associated with those things, and no-one of sound mind can claim that details such as the panel gaps are anything like as good as Toyota’s. ”
It’s no surprise that May, the most over-precise man we know, is calling Tesla out on the panel gaps. It also comes as no surprise that, like his clothing, he wants the car to be more colourful.
“The simple interior is knowingly new-age and is trimmed in vegan leather, which I think means ‘plastic’. I actually approve of synthetic interiors, because growing demand for them is encouraging car designers to be a bit creative, and that may bring an end to the spurious belief that sitting on a dead cow’s arse is somehow ‘posh’. But I wish it could look more like technical clothing, and come in more interesting colours.”
If you click the hyperlink above, there’s another video from James where he describes the car as “the greatest muscle car the world has ever produced.” It’s definitely worth a watch as, as you know, he’s amazingly funny.
Oh and… Join House May!