Formula 1

Jeremy Clarkson Hits Out At Lewis Hamilton After Recent Behaviour: “He’s Changed”

According to Clarkson’s Farm presenter Jeremy Clarkson, who has dubbed the racing driver “woke,” Lewis Hamilton “has changed”. Hamilton is currently attempting to win his eighth F1 Drivers’ Championship, and if successful, will become the first to do so.

After coming second in Turkey and first in the United States, Verstappen has extended his lead over Hamilton by 12 points. Despite his recent winning, he was only able to come fifth at Istanbul Park while grabbing second place at the Circuit of the Americas.

While the legendary Formula 1 driver has become one of the most successful racers in the sport’s history, he’s also become known for his charitable movements promoted through his social sites. He’s often discussed human and animal rights, as well as campaigning against racism and climate change.

The driver has been with UNICEF since 2012 and is involved in a number of charity projects. Last year, he was named a United Nations ambassador for education as part of the organization’s ambassadors program.

But despite this, the outspoken Grand Tour presenter Jeremy Clarkson believes he has changed.

Clarkson wrote the following in his column for The Sun.

“Every race weekend, Lewis Hamilton gets out of his car and thanks the crowd – presumably hoping we at home can’t hear them booing.”

“It happens everywhere he goes, whether he wins or loses.

“People love Max Verstappen but they’ve taken a noisy dislike to Lewis. The problem is that Lewis has changed.

“When he first came on to the scene he was bright and talented and normal – and everyone loved him.

“But then he decided to go woke and right-on and more politically correct than a student union AGM.

“After the murder of George Floyd, he had Mercedes paint the cars black, he talks about how he’s now green because he sold his jet and has urged everyone to be vegetarian.

“All this might work well on social media but in the real world, where people live, it doesn’t work at all.

“And this is a problem for the green movement. They get Lewis to be a mouthpiece thinking he’ll convert the rest of us.

“But instead, we all just want to throw something at him.”

Next weekend, he will be back on the track, where he will attempt to win his first race since September’s Russian Grand Prix as the F1 season continues into Mexico. This will be one of the five races remaining where he will be fighting to overtake Verstappen to be able to outcompete Michael Schumacher, who he currently ties with for most championships won (7).

But, this may not be easy for the British racer as Verstappen is the current leader and a favourite to win the f1 title this year. This could be a very exciting time in F1 history.

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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  1. I find it interesting that someone who has been commenting politically for years now takes exception because someone disagrees with his opinion. Just for the record, I was a huge Top Gear fan (before the debacle), love The Grand Tour, and find Clarkson’s Farm quite enjoyable. Bit Jeremy, you are so wrong on this one. Lewis Hamilton has every right to discuss and endorse those things that he believes in, just as you do. Celebrities are people, first and foremost, and there is no reason to exclude them from free speech, nor assume that they speak for everyone who shares his or her opinion.

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