Our Man in...

James May’s Our Man In Italy Is Almost Ready For Release

James May’s Our Man In Italy is nearing its release as the presenter reveals he’s just finished the voice over to his “Italian friends” on Twitter.

Our Man In Italy is the sequel to May’s highly praised travel show, Our Man In Japan. This sequel has certainly had its issues as the production company has battled with the pandemic, but finally, after moving away from the idea of featuring the United States after travel bans got in the way, Italy opened its boarders for James May and his team to exploit.

“We recently announced that the second season of my Amazon series, Our Man in, I was going to be going to the USA and that was going to be awesome,” May said at the time.

“But, unfortunately having made that announcement, we now discovered that we can’t go, for various complicated and rather boring reasons like Covid and Visas.”

He followed this up with a video, explaining the change of focus to Italy:

Now, he’s tweeted that he’s finished the voice over, albeit in Italian:

“Buongiorno i miei Twitter amici Italiani. Allora- oggi registro la voce sopra ultimo per il mio tv spettacolo Il Nostro Uomo in Italia. Poi mangio una ciotola di pasta enorme, con un bicchiere di birra. ‘Voce sopra’ possibili bollox.”

This translates to:

“Good morning my Italian friends Twitter. So – today I record the voice above last for my tv show Our Man in Italy. Then I eat a huge bowl of pasta, with a glass of beer. ‘Entry above’ possible bollox.”

Fans were please to hear the news:

“Ooo! I can’t wait!” one fan responded. “Loved the Japan series and your home cooking show! What color are those cabinets in the home cooking show’s kitchen if you will? I love them.”

A second joked about fellow presenter Richard Hammond’s connection to Italian food:

“Are they going to be ‘McBolognese’ or just Bolognese better know as ‘ya yam abalenda’? Anyway, we call it voice-over too James.”

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact: alex@grandtournation.com

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