6 Of The Best Cars Richard Hammond Regrets Selling
Most of us have been there, done that. Sold that particular car that never gave problems, didn’t fall apart when even if you revved the nuts out it and, you didn’t have to break a bank in order to drive it. Richard Hammond has been in the same boat. Except that, he has a long list of cars that he sold, which does make you ask one thing: “WHY!?”
Well, at least he regrets selling them. In a video on Drivetribe’s Youtube channel, Hammond answers some ‘annoying questions’ that have been repeatedly asked so that he doesn’t have to deal with them again.
The first question asked by viewers was “What cars do you regret selling?” Straightaway, Hammond has a facepalm moment as he has a list of “many, many cars” he regrets selling:
- Ferrari 550 Maranello: He sold this one to pay the rent on a house he wasn’t living in so he had no choice but to let it go. The car would’ve cost 4 times more today. Hammond loved the front-engined Ferrari.
- Lotus 350 Sport: Hammond regrets selling it so much that he can’t even think about it. He then tries to think about something else. We’re with him on this one.
- Vauxhall Firenza: Long ago, Hammond bought the 1972 model on eBay under the influence of ‘cheap Chilean wine’. He wanted to restore the worn car back to its glory.
- VW Scirocco: The Charcoal Black VW Scirocco that Hammond had to do away with, long before joining Top Gear. He did crash it though.
- Morgan Aeromax Limited Edition: Hammond revealed that he adored the car but had to sell it because his wife Mindy hated it. Hated it to the point that she couldn’t bear it.
- Porsche 991 GT3 RS: Hammond sold this gem of a car for unknown reasons. What a big sin it might have been for him, considering this model and his love for Porsches.
Hammond also regrets the demise of his Morgan Plus Six which was specced by fans. The car was not even a year old and it had been taken on a trip to France. Sadly though, it wasn’t a car that was written off because Hammond crashed it. The Morgan got destroyed in a flood.
Are there any cars you regret selling?