Ask James May Anything In New Q&A
James May has quite the opportunity for fans of Captain Slow and The Grand Tour as he’s holding a Q&A on DriveTribe.
The rules are simple, you can ask any question you like unless you are rude, irrelevant or pretending to be from a marketing agency, then he won’t but everything else is fair game apparently.
However, as with everything great in this world, there is a sadly a catch. James May will only be answering five, yes five, questions – so your chances of getting your question actually to James May are very slim. But don’t give up hope as if you don’t buy a ticket, you won’t win the raffle right?
At least DriveTribe have made submitting your question pretty simple. All you need to do is go to this page on the DriveTribe website and comment your question in their comments section. After you’ve submitted your question you will be gifted a TribeCoin badge.. before your question goes live in the comments, you will have to assign this TribeCoin to another question.
The reason for the TribeCoin’s is because they act as a kind of scoring system for the questions that have been entered, its simple enough – the top five answers submitted will be answered by James May.
It also seems like DriveTribe have added an extra level of security in the form of a bot which will remove anyone who asks ‘What’s the best car you’ve ever driven?’. Very fancy from the guys over at there if you ask me.
So what questions do you want Captain Slow to answer? Let us know in the comments below.
Do you have a brother. You mention a brother when talking about Action Man and in an interview a woman said her son took drum lessons from your brother .