Grand Tour Ideas: Should Danica Patrick Be the New American?
Leave it to you guys on Reddit to come up with the kookiest ideas! The distaste for The American is well known; some of it deserved, some of it for petty reasons. Either way, The American is an extremely polarizing figure on The Grand Tour and short of Celebrity Brain Crash, is probably one of the most disliked segments on the show.
However, given the legal reasons behind having a talkative racing driver, is there anyone other than Mike Skinner that can make The American more enjoyable (assuming they are going to stick with the “American” concept)? Given The Grand Tour’s worldwide audience, it sort of makes sense to make fun of stereotypical Americans as opposed to having a driver named, for example, The Norwegian or something. So with that in mind, who would be a good American?
u/MustangGuy1965 has a suggestion (fist bump for the Mustang love); Danica Patrick:
“The title says it all. All she needs to do is drive while we look at her. No script… I can only imagine what the writers could do with this… It would be great. Why not ask the stars if they approve. :)”
For legal reasons, I don’t think Danica could remain silent like The Stig, but here’s the thing; I can’t even imagine what American stereotypes they would put on her character. I’m not too knowledgeable about it, but judging by the other American stereotypes, I can imagine that stereotypes of American women are not very kind around the world. It would be pretty messed up, especially in today’s day and age.
What do some of the other Redditors think?
“She would crash every time.
I love Danica. She’s good but not great, and that’s okay.
Just thinking about what the show’s insurance premiums on the cars will be if they hire her to drive them gives me heart palpitations.
I don’t agree with her having to not talk. I think it has the possibility for being quite funny with her. She has a very dry sense of humor.”
Zoiks. However, out this Reddit thread came one legitimately amazing idea regarding The American:
“They’re going to keep Mike Skinner because he’s an amazing driver. If they ditch The American then it’ll only be as the character.
Maybe they’ll claim to have a rotation of famous racing drivers and put Mike in sloppy disguises. “Nigel Mansell” with a comedy moustache. “Jeff Gordon” in a firesuit made entirely of logo patches. “Sebastien Loeb” with a co-driver. Somebody who can take a joke with empty bottles and a passed-out hooker sliding around the back seat.”
I can absolutely get behind that idea.
As for my thoughts on Danica; well, what can I say? I love her, she’s awesome. This has nothing to do with her skill as a racer or her appearance; I have a five year old daughter and I love that Danica took it to a sport that has traditionally been a “man’s world.” If anything, she’s ballsy and I love her for that.
The greatest stereotype, and that would probably offend the least amount of people, would be to have Danica break the eboladrome Leo record while applying makeup
They could refer to Danica as ‘the lady driver’ in a condescending way and to play on the negative stereotype. Danica then puts in a top notch performance which the presenters have to acknowledge. Perhaps make JC the fall guy in the segment with the negative stereotypical old fashioned view.