Jeremy Clarkson Complains To BBC About Poor Weather Forecasts During Farming For New Show
Jeremy Clarkson has been left “furious” after his crops have been battered by poor weather this year, and poor weather forecasts have made it very difficult to predict when to plan for filming for his new farming show, ‘I Bought The Farm‘.
Clarkson is known for his presenting of the car and travel show, The Grand Tour and previously Top Gear, but this year he’s turned his hand to farming close to his Cotswolds home. Unfortunately, due to COVID and other issues, filming has met many difficulties throughout the year. He talks about this in his recent column.
“He [God] gave us the wettest autumn since 2000, the wettest February on record, the driest May on record and then, for good measure, the coldest July since 1988,” he divulged.
“He’s fried my crops, frozen them, drowned them and then drowned them again.”
He continues: “So if we are going to thank anyone for the harvest in 2020, might I suggest we sink to our knees and give praise to the giant agrichemical group Monsanto, whose weed-killing glyphosate invention has enabled me to keep my head above water.”
Before harvesting, Clarkson would also have to plan and organise “a fleet of trucks to take away the barley”.
“I’d also need to rent a combine harvester and, although this is not a common problem in farming, book a film crew to cover the event for the Amazon television show I’m making.”
The presenter admitted that he relied on Countryfile for advise on the weather, but this didn’t go down well.
“In the ‘what’s the weather got in store for the week ahead’ segment, the forecaster said high pressure was on its way and we could expect clear skies, temperatures in the mid-twenties and light winds.
“The next day it was cold and wet, and I was furious. To you, inaccurate weather forecasts don’t matter.
“The worst consequence is you have to abandon the barbecue you’d planned and move inside, but to a farmer they are critical, so I have a plea to the Beeb’s weather people: if you don’t know — and at the moment you don’t, because the transatlantic pilots on whom you rely for information are all at home learning how to make sourdough bread — admit it.”
Jeremy eventually had to approach fellow farmers for advise, who said he should be patient and not expect great yields this year on barley, oilseed rape, or wheat. The presenter added to this by saying Brexit had “b*****ed my barley* in regards to the market.