The Grand Tour

Jeremy Clarkson To Be Confronted By Local Villagers Over Diddly Squat Farm Shop At Clarkson’s Farm

Jeremy Clarkson is going to be meeting his angry neighbours in a town meeting tonight where they’ll be discussing the future of the Diddly Squat Farm Shop.

Since Clarkson’s Farm was released to Amazon Prime Video, his farm and farm shop has been a great success. While not necessarily monetarily successful, the location has drawn fans from across the country to see the farm in all of its glory.

But this has angered local villagers who were very happy with their home village the way it was before hordes of fans blocked their roads.

Posters were put up around the village advertising the Q&A meeting, which is to be held tonight, September 9, at 7pm at Chadlington Memorial Hall.

“As there seems to be some debate in the village about what’s going on at Diddly Squat, Jeremy Clarkson will be at the Memorial Hall to explain his plans and to take any questions you may have,” the posters read.

“Everybody from the area is welcome to attend,” it continued, noting: “Cheese and wine will be provided.”


The meeting was also advertised on the village community Facebook page, where one commenter joked that there will be so many people attending, it should be held at the Albert Hall, instead.

With queues of two and a half hours plus to get inside the farm shop, it’s no surprise that locals have become tired of the fame their village is getting. However, some business owners have commented on the increased foot traffic through the area which has helped bring in more customers.

Butcher Tom Dean told ITV: “A few people are welcoming to it, because it brings more new faces to the area and gets the Chadlington name out there.

“But there are also a few people that aren’t as keen.”

The council is still concerned about the regulations surrounding the shop, however.

“The parish council remains concerned regarding the effect of the incremental development at this location, both upon the local community, its existing shops and an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty,” it said.

“The number of cars currently visiting this site is already substantial, often filling the existing available parking space and overflowing onto the Chipping Norton Road, which is hardly desirable in an AONB and creates a significant risk that accidents will occur.”

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One Comment

  1. I learned a long time ago that it is better to capitalize than criticize. Charge to park on your property or sell town name merchandise or have the kids sell lemonade.

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