The Grand Tour Week In Review – Reddit Edition
One of the best places to find all sorts of stuff related to The Grand Tour, especially when we’re in the middle of a dry spell as far as new episodes are concerned, is Reddit. The Grand Tour’s subreddit is a great place for fans to hget together, discuss new episodes and news, and post all sort of funny stuff related to the boys In fact, even your favorite Grand Tour fansite has their own subreddit (that’s us)!
With that being said, let’s look back through the week and see what posts from The Grand Tour subreddit was worth a second look!
Coca-Cola Version of TGT Hosts
Gotta love the tiny little “Richard” bottle. They should have use a 2 liter one for Jeremy.
Found This in Charlotte
Someone likes the show a bit too much. What is it that they say about people who drive BMWs? I kid, of course. Kind of.
James Offers Helpful Update On Hammond’s Health
When I say Hammond is 'still fairly terrible' I mean as an example of humanity. His health is fine.— James May (@MrJamesMay) March 24, 2017
You know someone thinks of you as a close friend and truly cares about you when they can make fun of you after an injury.
Hammond Trying To Start Vincent Black Shadow Motorcycle
It just wouldn’t be The Grand Tour or Top Gear if everything went according to plan, would it?
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Carticles 10 Reasons Why Women Love Clarkson
Now here’s a title I never thought I would see in my lifetime. Am I seriously living in a reality where Jeremy is the Casanova of the group?
When The Three Even Leak Into r/NFL
The boys start their gradual takeover of all of Reddit.
I Got a Sticker For My Truck
Now this here is an instant way to improve any car you are driving. If only there was such a thing as a GIF in sticker form. Very few things beats the footage of Jeremy’s face flapping about at high speeds.
James May Discusses Butts
Just like how Jeremy is now a ladies man, it raises a few eyebrows to see James wax poetic on rear ends. Though of course, the actual piece he wrote has nothing to do with an appreciation of butts. Sir Mix-a-Lot he ain’t.
The Grand Tour – Funniest Moments
Here is a series of six videos that compile the best moments from the first season of The Grand Tour. It’s not the same as new episodes, but it doesn’t hurt to relive old ones, right?